Empty Force (shown above) is an effective way to increase Qi Energy flowing inside us.

Empty Force (shown above) is an effective way to increase Qi Energy flowing inside us.

“If you want to LIVE TO BE 100,
learn Qigong!”

– Dr. Mehmet Oz, Contributor to Oprah Show

QIGONG is about Strength and Building Energy. Breath, Meditation and Movement are combined in a seamless practice. People of all ages and can practice, even grandmas well into their 90’s. Kids often attend our Qigong events with awesome insights and abilities gained.


Many of Qigong’s Secrets cannot be learned in books. Being in a room of people practicing together is often the best method to initiate powerful flow of healing Qi.

qigong3qigong49-Breath Method has successfully helped veterans and drug addicted patients find a better natural high.

With just NINE BREATHS, Qi energy is absorbed and sent to your navel center. Vibrational waves of peace envelope and dissolve the stress of what troubles us. Oxygen is a profound force.


Qigong Massage helps open blood flow and eliminates pain by directly addressing the cause, blocked energy.

Tui Na, Reflexology and 5-Elements are presented in classic & modern forms.

”I’ve intensively practiced Tai Chi & Yoga for 40 Years, but never felt ENERGY this powerful. I now teach your Qigong & Food Knowledge to my patients!”

– Larry Freeman M.D. Palo Alto, CA